One level down, 5 more to go!

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Yes my dear friends! I' m done with level 1 of my Spanish class! Time flies so fast when you really are having fun! (high five!)  I haven' t met new people for the past year and this class made me remember how giddy it is to talk to new friends and knowing about them. I love all my classmates! I still remember how our tummy ached from laughing when we just reply with an "ok" (complete with a puzzled look) to our teacher when she talks in straight Spanish. Hahahaha!

In this level we learned the basics: verbs, their conjugations, numbers, the alphabet, colors, possessive pronouns, its gender (yes! Spanish words have genders!) and so much more. We also learned that we will need to take an exam after 3 levels to proceed with level 4. For you to be able to apply as a Bilingual support,you will need to at least finish 6 levels (or less if you are conversant already) and then you can take the standardized test for Spanish proficiency which is called D.E.L.E. (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Estranjera). So I wish all the powers in the universe conspire to make it happen for all of us! :)

Here are a few pictures courtesy of Gen :)

with Sister Doris - our teacher (and Mon behind)

We all can't wait to start our Level 2 classes this coming September 1! And I already miss the "heaven" a.k.a the library. Haha!

last day of class :)

Hasta luego!!!

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