Merry Christmas! :)

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Today marks as my 6th Christmas here at work Yes I am celebrating at work for the past 6 years! Haha! Sounds bad but not that bad. We have free food to eat and be merry about. The boss is at home since he luckily doesn't have work and he's spending it with Bro Kiko who will be sleeping there too. :) So it's all good! I mean we are not alone per se as we have friends celebrating it with.

My side of the family doesn't celebrate it with gifts and stuff. They just sleep and cook the next day because our Lola wants us to be complete on the day of christmas itself. So after work, I'll be going to Bulacan to see my folks, cousins and childhood friends. We already visited the boss' family last Thursday and we brought our gifts too. Seeing their faces light up upon opening their gifts really brings a different kind of joy and makes your gift - hunting worth it. Wasn't able to take pictures because I totally forgot to bring my camera. I promise to bring it to Bulacan tomorrow so I can document and for you to see how cool my Lolo is. 

Merry Christmas everyone! Cheers to a more successful blog next year!

PS. I already got my Hunger Games Trilogy Box Set which is my second wish from my list. Thank you Santa Claus! :)

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