WTF Should I do with my life?

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

I came across saw Saab Magalona's tumblr and saw her post titled: What the fuck should I do with my life? So just for the curiosity of it, I tried it to see what fate (?) has for me.

First hit:

Which is not even close to what I want to do. So I gave it another try and it said I needed to be a graphic artist, escape to Esalen which is a retreat center in California, make crafts, that I should become a park ranger, live in a commune, work on a cruise ship ($$$), be a roadie, work on an organic farm and other random things I know I don't want to and won't have the interest to do. So I gave it a one last hit and saw this one: 

It instantly stumped me. I only lived with my parents until I was 13 years old. After that, I lived with relatives, friends and strangers. Now, I'm living independently and with my boyfriend. I learned to be alone at such a young age and I don't think living with my parents will be a good idea. I'm not used to asking permissions whenever I want to do something and go somewhere. Dont' get me wrong, I'm okay with my mom. Enough said.

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